
Welcome! This is the (un)official page of FTC Team #10044, the Mecha Men. Feel free to look around the website (although you won't find much at all.) This is a test page until it can be presentable enough to put on the internet. Meanwhile, you probably should go look at our other, official page.

This is a work in progress, so some of the pages may not be propery configured. As such, certain text may be repeated on multiple pages, so beware! Also note that the email us link will open up in your computer's native mail application rather than in your browswer.

Team History

We are FTC Team #10044, the Mecha Men. We are a first year, homeschooled team from Richardson, Texas.

Although we are a first year team, we have come a long ways from the ground, even in just one season. Some of our members were on another FTC team last year, which was sponsored by the University of Texas at Dallas. Due to circumstances, however, they were not able to sponsor us this year, which caused us to find a new team.