Spencer M.

Nicholas D.

*Years in FTC: 3
*Years on team: 2
*Role on team: Builder/Engineering Notebook Coordinator

Hello! My name is Spencer.

This will be my third year in FTC, and the second year on this team. On the team, I'm officially a builder and the Engineering Notebook (EN) designer/coordinator/writer, but in reality I'm more of a jack-of-all-trades; id est you'll find me doing just about anything that needs to be done. In addition to the Engineering Notebook, I'm in charge of coding this website, so feedback would be appreciated!

I'm also the (unofficial) scouter for the team, but I'll probably be dragging someone along with me to talk (I'm an introvert :D) If you happen to meet me at a competition, then don't hesitate to ask me any questions you might have. I'll do my best to answer them!

So, now, a little bit more about myself. I'm in 11th grade, and I'm homeschooled, although I take a few classes at a community college. For college, I've been interested in pursuing something in the chemistry/biology fields, although technological majors are there too! In my free time, I like to read, eat large amounts of food (depending on my mood really), waste time on my phone, watching anime, drawing, and helping out with my church youth group. I enjoy playing street/floor hockey, basketball (to an extent), and volleyball. I can also speak Latin half-fluently (so not fluently at all), and a smattering of Modern Greek, Japanese, Dutch, and Korean.

My favorite band(s)/musician(s): Coldplay, Twenty One Pilots, Taylor Swift, Girl's Generation, just about anything Vocaloid
Favorite color(s): Black, dark blue, red
Favorite food: Bulgogi is good. So is Hichew. And rice. And chocolate fondue.
Favorite subject: Chemistry, although physics and Latin are up there too.

Well, thanks for reading, random stranger.

Have a nice day!
