About Us


We are a team of 5 high-school, homeschooled boys from North Texas. This is our first year in FTC, and we are excited for our new charge into the world of FIRST! Two of the members are new to FTC this year, and the other members are second-year students. Our members are a bunch of funny yet also serious-minded people with the ability to build and program a working robot. We possess knowledge of programming and building, so we hope to excel in this season and many more to come! Of course, nothing would be possible without the dedication of the coaches, or the parents. We hope that this year will be a fun, challenging year with lots of experience gained!

Team History

We are FTC Team #10044, the Mecha Men. We are a first year, homeschooled team from Richardson, Texas.

Although we are a first year team, we have come a long ways from the ground, even in just one season. Some of our members were on another FTC team last year, which was sponsored by the University of Texas at Dallas. Due to circumstances, however, they were not able to sponsor us this year, which caused us to find a new team.

As the summer wound down, we gradually pulled the team together. Firstly, we found a coach for the team, and then members slowly requested to join. Eventually, we also found a build space and procured funds for the team to use to buy the necessary parts. Finally, we had a fully functioning team by the time of the game release.