Nicholas D.

Nicholas D.

*Years in FTC: 3
*Years on team: 2
*Role on team: Programmer

Hi! My name is Nicholas Donovan and I'm 15 years old. This is my 2nd year of FTC and I'm a freshman in high school. I'm a programmer as well as co captain on our team. My favorite hobbies are playing video games (Mostly strategy games.) and game design, such as 3D modeling. I also enjoy helping out at my church for my youth group. My mom enrolled me into cross country for some exercise earlier this year and it turned out to be pretty fun. For the off season of this year I learned how to program Java, JavaScript, and C. I've played various sports and to be honest I was average, nobody could distinguish me from the pack, I took up more mental activities such as chess and achieved a rating of over 1400. I spent my entire life on a computer, probably to substitute my lack of a social life. Two years ago my mom and I were deciding what I wanted to do but to be honest I never wanted to do anything because I thought to myself maybe I could become a pro gamer, so I set out. I participated in numerous MOBA's to try and go pro. I even got into the e-sports and participated in tourneys. But I quickly realized that with my limited time I couldn't do it because of my homework and chores. That’s probably when I stopped believing in dreams/goals. Then about a year and half went by and my mom found out about FTC through a friend on Facebook. So I went to my teams first practice and I wasn’t very hopeful but I was quickly proved wrong and I gained a new goal, it was to win FTC.