Alexander D.

Alex D.

*Years in FTC: 2
*Years on team: 2
*Role on team: Programmer

Hello. I'm Alexander.

This is my first year of FTC, and I'm a programmer for the team. I'm in 8th grade and I'm homeschooled. I have no siblings in my family, but I do have a dog named Maddox, so after my schoolwork I have a lot of time to play my favorite video games, Pokemon and Twitch Plays. I think that I'll be a good robot driver because I play lots of video games with similar controllers... Computers and gaming are a big part of my life. Spencer asked me to join the team because they needed another programmer, so I accepted the challenge and here I am now! I like to play games on my computer, and PlayStation 4, one day I hope I can program games like that. First, I need to complete school then get a degree. Because when I was little I scribbled a plan for a video game I hoped to invent one day. I guess it is time to find that piece of paper and get to work. I think I could develop the next new hot game on the market - 2022.

My favorite movies: Star Wars - A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Harry Potter Series, Star Trek: Next Generation, Back to the Future, and Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Pizza and Chinese
Favorite subject: History, because it is interesting to learn of things of the past.

I'm looking forward to the season, and I've already taken some additional robotics classes to help me on our journey.