About This site


This site is all about fandoms, hence the name. here you can find all the information of fandoms you heard of. You can also make sugestions like: what fandoms I should add, or if I put wrong info on a fandom you can corect me.

I hope this page helps you find what you're looking for. ||stay alive||


Put your mouse to any question, or tap the question on a touchscreen, to see the answer

Q: What fandoms can I find in this website?

A: go to the list page where you will find genres and click the genre to find out what fandomes in in each one.

Q: Can I give suggestions for fandoms?

A: Definitely send them to the email below

Q: Can I send in pictures ive made or found for a fandom?

A: Of course you can I'd love to feature your work, or just what you find and think would be a good addition to the page. just send in the email below

Q: Can i give information[correct wrong] info about a fandom?

A: yes, I'd love your input on info about a fandom just send them to the email below

Q: Can I ask my own questions?

A: yes you can send questions to the email below

Q: Where can I find info on what each page is?

A: go to the home page. there is a brief summary of each page there.

if you have any more questions or if you want to send me picture/info for fandoms send the here


[please specify what fandom you are sending it for]


"Everything is so full of life. Every tree. Every leaf. Every insect. Its as if the world is vibrating as if everything is more than itsself."~Merlin